Additional Data protection
Additional data protection information relating to the payment of Blutsgeschwister (henceforth referred to as “we”) by invoice
(Date: 12.09.2022)
1. If you decide to pay by invoice, you agree to the privacy policy of payolution GmbH and the further processing of your personal data. These terms are hereinafter listed purely for the purposes of information.
2. If you choose payment by invoice, the personal data that you are required to provide for the processing of this payment method (first name, surname, address, email address, telephone number, date of birth, IP address, gender), together with the information necessary to complete the transaction (product, invoice amount, due dates, entire contract, invoice number, amount of tax, currency, order date and time) will be transferred to payolution GmbH for the purposes of a risk evaluation, as part of its regulatory obligations.
3. In order to verify the identity and solvency of the customer, queries and information requests are forwarded to publicly accessible databases and credit agencies. It may be that information, and if necessary, credit reports based on statistical analysis, are requested from the following providers:
- CRIF GmbH, Diefenbachgasse 35, 11 50 Wien, Austria
- CRIF AG, Hagenholzstrasse 81, 8050 Zürich, Switzerland
- CRIF Bürgel GmbH, Radlkoferstraße 2, 81373 München, Germany
- SCHUFA Holding AG, Kormoranweg 5, 65201 Wiesbaden, Germany
- KSV1870 Information GmbH, Wagenseilgasse 7, 1100 Wien, Austria
- Creditreform Boniversum GmbH, Hellersbergstr. 11, 41460 Neuss, Germany
- infoscore Consumer Data GmbH, Rheinstrasse 99, 76532 Baden-Baden, Germany
- ProfileAddress Direktmarketing GmbH, Altmannsdorfer Strasse 311, 1230 Wien, Austria
- Emailage Ltd, 1 Fore Street Ave, London, EC2Y 5EJ, United Kingdom
- ThreatMetrix, The Base 3/F, Tower C, Evert van de Beekstraat 1, 1118 CL Schiphol, Netherlands
- payolution GmbH, Columbuscenter, Columbusplatz 7-8, 1100 Wien, Austria
- Universum Business GmbH, Hanauer Landstr. 164, 60314 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
The banking details you enter will be transferred by Payolution GmbH to SCHUFA Holding AG (notably your sort code and account number), for the purposes of checking your account number. Initially, SCHUFA uses this data to check whether the bank details you have submitted are plausible. If required, SCHUFA checks whether the information for this check is stored in your files, and then transfers the result of this check back to payolution. No further data exchange, such as the disclosure of credit information or the transfer of divergent bank details, or the saving of your data to the SCHUFA database will take place in connection with the verification of your account number. Only the result of the bank details verification will be saved by SCHUFA, for reasons of evidence.
In cases of non-compliant behaviour (for example, the existence of incontrovertible claims), payolution GmbH is also entitled to save, process and use your data, and transfer it to aforementioned credit bureaus.
4. In respect of the Civil Code regulations concerning financial assistance agreements between traders and consumers, we are legally obliged to check your creditworthiness.
5. In the case of payment by invoice or payment in instalments, we will transfer to payolution GmbH information concerning the details of the relevant payment transaction (your personal details, purchase price, conditions of the transaction, starting point of payment) and the conditions of the contract (e.g. early payment, extension of the contract term, remitted funds). After assigning the purchase price claim, the banking institution to which the claim was transferred will undertake the relevant data transfer. We and/or the banking institution are likewise reliant upon the communication of information to payolution GmbH concerning non-compliant behaviour that relates to the assignment of the purchase price claim (e.g. termination of a payment agreement, enforcement measures). In accordance with data protection regulations, these reports are only undertaken if they are necessary to guarantee the legal interests of either the contractual partner of payolution GmbH or the general public, and your legal rights remain unaffected. Payolution GmbH will save this data in order to make available assessment information pertaining to customers’ creditworthiness to its contractual partners, who offer payments or miscellaneous credit agreements to consumers on a commercial basis. The address details of debtors can be provided to commercial debt collection agencies that are in a contractual relationship with payolution GmbH. In these circumstances, payolution is instructed to transfer the data to its contractual partners only if there is a credible and legitimate interest for this transfer. Payolution GmbH is additionally instructed to exclusively transfer objective data to the banking institution without any specification of a particular situation. Information about subjective appraisals and personal income do not fall within the scope of information available to payolution GmbH.
6. You can revoke your consent at any time for the processing of your data for the purpose of completing your order. The aforementioned legal obligations to assess your creditworthiness remain unaffected by this withdrawal of consent.
7. By agreeing to these data protection terms, you expressly release the bank from its obligations in respect of banking secrecy as described by Article 14 of the Liechtenstein Banking Act in the event of debt recovery by a debt collection agency.
8. You must disclose to us only truthful and correct information.
9. Further information about the processing of your personal data can be found in our full privacy policy, which is available here:
10. You can also contact the Unzer group data protection officer using the following address information:
payolution GmbH
Columbuscenter, Columbusplatz 7-8
1100 Wien
Registration code – Data handling (DVR): 4008655
The data protection policy for Bank Frick & Co AG, as the party responsible for processing your personal data, can be found here.