
Stoffhosen für Damen aus nachhaltigen Materialien wie Bio-Baumwolle, in unifarben und gemustert.

High-Waist-Hose Palace Party, wild heart, Hosen, Rot
High-Waist-Hose Palace Party, escape to the stars blue, Hosen, Blau
High-Waist-Hose Palace Party, love to explore stripe, Hosen, Grün
High-Waist-Hose Palace Party, love to explore stripe, Hosen, Grün
High-Waist-Hose Palace Party, escape to the stars blue, Hosen, Blau
High-Waist-Hose Palace Party, wild heart, Hosen, Rot
High-Waist-Hose Palace Party, escape to the stars blue, Hosen, Blau
High-Waist-Hose Palace Party, love to explore stripe, Hosen, Grün
High-Waist-Hose Palace Party, wild heart, Hosen, Rot
Feminine Damenhosen in High-Waist, als Culotte oder Chino - farbenfroh in uni oder gemustert ♡ Wie immer fair produziert und aus nachhaltigen Materialien von Cordhosen bis Sweatpants.